Student Safety and Mental Wellness Begins Here
Students, Therapists, Educators and Parents United in Prevention

Activities for mental health/self care for kids from "Kids Uncomplicated"

As you may be aware, mesothelioma is a rare cancer caused from exposure to asbestos that takes 20-50 years to develop. After receiving any news of a cancer diagnosis, it can understandably wreak havoc on a person's mental health. That's why we wanted to make a guide on how to cope with a cancer diagnosis, and how we are mentally affected by it. Check out the guide:
Mesothelioma and Mental Health
We also made a guide that outlines everything to know about mesothelioma, which complements our other guide.

Impact Speakers (Recordings of Live Meetings)

PFLAG Pittsburgh
Step Up Presentation

Recorded Live 1/19/22
October (2021) Speaker:
Dr. Pavel 'Somov
Topic: Anger Management
Check out the recording from the 10/20/21 live presentation.
Pavel ‘Somov, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist in private practice in Pittsburgh, PA, and the author of 7 mindfulness-based self-help books. Several of these books have been translated into Dutch, Chinese, Estonian, & Portuguese. He is on the Advisory Board for The Mindfulness Project (London, UK) and on the Advisory Board for Evergreen Certifications for Mindfulness-Informed Clinician Certification and for Shame-Informed Treatment.
Hey Students!

Check out the live recording on
TEEN SUICIDE with Author
Anne Moss Rogers
Originally aired 9/29/21
Check out these sites to support mental health for People of Color
Live Another Day - Live Another Day was founded with the purpose of providing equal access to life-saving resources. They offer dozens of resources for finding help for mental health and substance use
Resources for AAPI Students - 28 mental health and substance use resources for Asian American students, carefully curated by experts at Lexington Addiction Center
Resources for Latinx Students - Extensive resources for Latinx college students and their allies, but together by Tulip Hill Recovery
A Guide for Addressing the Loneliness Epidemic - In May, Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy issued a special report on the public health crisis of loneliness in America. T.R.U.E Addiction and Behavioral Health has put together this incredible guide with dozens of mental health and substance use resources that can help.
Check out these sites for mental health support for LGBT Youth and Families
